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Iman Zekri to serve on a Florida Bar committee to ensure adequate education for future lawyers

Iman ZekriIn order to instill public trust and confidence in the legal system, it is essential that law schools provide the level of quality education and practical experience they need to take on The Florida Bar exam and tackle the turbulent practice of law. Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A., is pleased to announce that divorce, marital and family law attorney Iman Zekri will begin serving on The Florida Bar’s Student Education & Admissions to the Bar Committee. The committee is tasked with determining whether Florida law schools are adequately preparing their students for the practice of law.

If the Student Education & Admissions to the Bar Committee concludes that a law school is insufficiently training its students, the committee makes specific recommendations to The Florida Bar’s Board of Governors and Florida law school deans. The committee also monitors and reviews proposed legislation affecting legal education and has established a means to track the success of minority scholarship programs to help law schools disburse scholarships in a way that maximizes the benefits of minority scholarship programs. Zekri shares,

“To this day, whenever I stumble across a legal issue that I studied in law school, I frequently remember the many great law school professors I had who possessed a remarkable ability to make learning easy. I am delighted to accept my appointment to serve The Florida Bar, and I look forward to joining in the committee’s critical efforts of working with Florida law schools to help cultivate first-rate legal practitioners.”

Zekri is the recipient of the 2020 Florida Bar Journal Excellence in Writing Award for her article, “Respectfully Dissenting: How Dissenting Opinions Shape the Law and Impact Collegiality Among Judges,” originally appearing in the September/October 2020 edition of The Florida Bar Journal. She graduated from Riverdale High School’s International Baccalaureate program, Florida Gulf Coast University (B.A., summa cum laude), and the University of Florida Levin College of Law (J.D., cum laude).

Zekri may be reached at or by phone at 239-344-1119.

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